About the foundation

When the full-scale invasion began, there were not many volunteers, and Ruslan Gerasymchuk may not have even thought about volunteering. In early March, the Nazi troops were getting closer to Kyiv, so Ruslan and his family decided to leave for Lviv. But it so happened that fate brought them to the Skole district of Lviv region. There, Ruslan went to the CCC to register for military service, where he learned about the huge need for help in the Armed Forces. It all started with medicine. The women of Skole sewed personal first aid kits, which a doctor with combat experience filled with everything necessary for first aid.
Ruslan Gerasymchuk and his team travelled to the border to obtain medicines and transported the humanitarian aid to the HABs (distribution centres). Then they delivered the ready-made first aid kits and other medical supplies to the frontline. It is worth mentioning that we did not only help the guys with medicine. We also delivered napkins, personal care products and canned food. In addition, we helped both IDPs and residents of the frontline areas with food, diapers, napkins and medical supplies.
In early May 2022, Ruslan Gerasymchuk and his family returned to Kyiv, which had already been liberated from the Russian invasion. Since then, Ruslan's volunteer work has grown in scope. In addition to medical supplies, first aid kits and personal care products, he started delivering bulletproof vests to the guys on the front line. Later, Ruslan started supplying printers for the CCC and hospitals. Sometimes he managed to help with drones. As humanitarian aid started to arrive in Ukraine in smaller quantities, Ruslan bought a lot of things at his own expense, and he never raised funds.
Неля Сплодітель
In early May 2022, Ruslan met Nelya and they began to process and supply aid to the military together in 2023.  Later, they came up with the idea to set up a charity to scale up their volunteering. With a charitable foundation, one can help officially, as many humanitarian organisations ask for official assistance. Currently, the volunteer activities of the Charity Foundation "Niar" are developing quite rapidly, and the founders have an idea to scale up their activities so that they can help more the military who give their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.Gerasymchuk and his family returned to Kyiv, which had already been liberated from the Russian invasion. Since then, Ruslan's volunteer work has grown in scope. In addition to medical supplies, first aid kits and personal care products, he started delivering bulletproof vests to the guys on the front line. Later, Ruslan started supplying printers for the CCC and hospitals. Sometimes he managed to help with drones. As humanitarian aid started to arrive in Ukraine in smaller quantities, Ruslan bought a lot of things at his own expense, and he never raised funds.
Неля Сплодітель
Вже у 2023 році Руслан познайомився з Нелею, вони почали разом обробляти запити військових на допомогу та постачати її.  Згодом виникла ідея створити Благодійний фонд для більшого масштабування волонтерства. За наявності благодійного фонду можна допомагати офіційно, оскільки багато гуманітарної просять  надавати офіційно. Наразі волонтерська діяльність БО БФ "Ніар" розвивається досить швидко, і засновники мають ідею масштабувати діяльність, щоб була можливість більше допомагати військовим, які віддають своє життя за свободу України.

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